Easy Scientific

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How Giant Planets Like Jupiter Form in Space

A study shows that giant planets like Jupiter form from dust trapped in disc "pressure bumps." These planets grow by collecting gas, and their formation can trigger new planets, leading to chains of giant planets in space.​

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Improving How We Define Planets

A new study suggests better ways to define planets, including moons being different from planets and the importance of clearing orbits. Two new frameworks are proposed to include exoplanets and simplify the criteria, improving our understanding of space objects.​

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Powerful Currents in the North Atlantic During the Last Ice Age

During the ice age, around 20,000 years ago, the North Atlantic Ocean's currents were much deeper and stronger. Scientists discovered this by studying tiny sea fossils, showing how stronger winds and cooler temperatures affected ocean circulation and climate.​

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Clues of Ancient Water on Mars Found in Gale Crater

In Gale Crater on Mars, iron-rich material suggests past water presence. This special material forms in cool, wet conditions and stays unchanged in cold, dry climates. It helps scientists understand Mars' history and its potential to support life long ago.

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Unveiling the Universe: New Clues About Its Beginning

Scientists studied how the universe started. They found that most scenarios suggest the universe had a beginning, but in some special cases, it might go back in time further without a clear start. This helps us understand our universe's origins better.​

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Do Black Holes Give Off Fragments?

When black holes collide, they might create small fragments that emit Hawking radiation. This radiation, predicted by physicist Stephen Hawking, could be detected as gamma rays with current technology, providing the first direct proof of Hawking radiation.