New Experiment Seeks Hidden Particles with Lasers and X-Rays
31 Jul 2024
Credit: Jan Hosan, European XFEL
A new method has been proposed at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and Technische Universität Dresden to search for axions, which are hypothetical particles that might explain certain mysteries in physics. The experiment involves crossing x-ray photons with two powerful laser beams. This setup could cause the x-ray light to undergo a change known as birefringence, where the polarization of the light shifts, potentially indicating the presence of axions.By varying the orientation and frequency of the lasers and x-rays, it’s possible to scan for different axion masses. This approach is expected to be more sensitive than previous experiments, allowing for the detection of even short-lived axion particles. Such findings could provide valuable insights into the properties of axions and their possible role as a component of dark matter, which is a significant yet unseen part of the universe's mass.This innovative technique could greatly enhance our understanding of the universe, particularly if it confirms the existence of axions. Discovering these particles could offer explanations for new physics beyond the current framework, helping to address long-standing questions like the strong CP problem in quantum chromodynamics.
American Physical Society, 2024; doi: 10.1103/PhysRevD.109.L091901