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Scientists Discover Gene Behind Obesity and Postpartum Depression

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Credit: pexels.com, Liza Summer

Scientists found that a gene called TRPC5 can cause both obesity and depression after childbirth. Problems in this gene can affect the brain, leading to these health issues. In the future, treatments like gene therapy or special medicines might help.

Obesity and depression after having a baby are becoming more common worldwide. Since 1990, the number of obese adults has doubled, and for teenagers, it has quadrupled. Obesity can cause serious health problems. Also, about 10-15% of new mothers suffer from depression after giving birth, which can be very dangerous.

Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine found that two boys with a TRPC5 gene problem were very obese and had unusual social behaviors. Their mothers, who also had the same gene problem, were obese and suffered from anxiety and depression after childbirth.

The TRPC5 gene is important for the brain. Experiments with mice showed that those with a faulty TRPC5 gene ate more and gained weight. Female mice with this gene defect also showed signs of depression after having babies and took less care of their young ones.

TRPC5 affects certain brain cells that control hunger, emotions, and taking care of babies. Fixing the TRPC5 gene in these brain cells helped the mice behave more normally.

This discovery could help create new treatments for obesity and depression after childbirth. Doctors could use gene analysis to find these problems and develop medicines to manage the symptoms. In the future, treatments might also include fixing the TRPC5 gene directly.

This research shows that some behaviors, like eating habits and anxiety, are strongly influenced by biology. It reminds us to be understanding and compassionate towards people with these health issues.

Cell, 2024; doi: 10.3847/2041-8213/ad4b0f